DiaGurl LOGO


I’ll be your trusted second-in-command for all your small business operations needs.

Before I was Small Business Operations Consultant, I actually spent much of my career as an engineer in corporate America.

Being one of the few women in engineering, I was constantly passed over for promotions even though I was confident in my knowledge of the field.

I knew I deserved more respect and was literally fed up!

But despite all this, I hesitated to pull the trigger and strike out on my own.

That is until I became a Mom.

Ever since then, I was committed to showing my daughter what it means to be FEARLESS and COURAGEOUS.

This pushed me to take a leap of faith to start my own company. I wanted my daughter to see that I wasn’t afraid of taking more control of my life and working for myself.

Now as a Small Business Operations Consultant, I always bring with me the same drive, passion, and conviction to help your business reach new heights.

Ready to work together? I’m pretty sure that in no time, “Let me ask Dia” will be your new favorite catchphrase.

as seen on...

Jordonna Colley

Small Business Operations Consultant

Be the BOSS your business needs

As your Small Business Operations Consultant, I’ll be your go-to girl for all things Operations, Project, and Team Management.

Here Is How We Can Work Together

Let the DiaGurl Process help your business create an elevated client experience.


Strategic Mapping (Annual Business Strategy Plan)

Strategy Calls Available

As your Online Business Consultant, I’ll be your go-to girl for all things Operations, Project, and Team Management.

Client Experience Business Audit & Systems Package

6 Month Packages Available

I will do a complete business operations audit based on my client experience framework.



Fractional Operations Management Support

Retainer Packages Available

I will provide strategy and manage the business operations so you can spend less time stressing out and more time doing #CEOthings

Download The Elevated Client Experience Minisode for FREE!

You receive a concise 10-minute episode delving into the intricacies of the eight key systems of the client experience. 

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